English, asked by sayakroy, 1 year ago

In a sentence is Though followed by yet
or a simple comma is used to join two sentences?
For example,
1. Though he is rich,yet he is miser
2.Though he is rich,he is miser
Which of the two is correct?


Answered by AnviGottlieb
here's your answer

well...in my opinion..
the first sentence is completely wrong and the second sentence is correct in the sense that...

let's see..
1 . though he is rich , yet he is miser..
many people would say that this is correct but it would be correct for sure if you remove the comma...
because with yet we don't use comma

2. though he's rich, he is miser
this sentence is correct because of the reason that it is without yet but a comma is used..
if you had removed the comma too... it would had been completely wrong..

another way of writing this sentence is
3. though he is rich yet he is miser

Answered by kvnmurty
2nd one is correct.

You could use either "though" or "yet".

kvnmurty: Click on the red hearts thanks above
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