in a sum,the divisor is 173,the quoteint is 2544 and the. remainder is 60 .what is dividend
Divisor - A number that totally or partially divides another integer is referred to as a divisor.
Dividend - The number that needs to be split or dispersed into a predetermined number of equal pieces in a division problem is known as the dividend.
Quotient - When we divide a number, the result we ultimately get is the quotient.
Remainder - The value remaining after division is known as the Remainder. After division, we are left with a value if a number (dividend) cannot be divided entirely by another number (divisor). The remaining is the name for this amount.
Divisor = 173
Quotient = 2544
Remainder = 60
We have to find the dividend.
As we know that,
Dividend = (Divisor × Quotient) + Remainder
So, Dividend = (173 x 2544) + 60
Dividend = 440112 + 60
Dividend = 440172.
Hence, the dividend is 440172.
Euclidean division lemma (the lemma is similar to a theorem) states that given two positive integers "a" and "b", there exist unique integers "q" and "r" such that is: a = bq+ r, where 0 ≤ r < b.
where "a" is dividend , "b" is divisor , "q" is quotient and" r" is remainder
We have been given that divisor is 173, quotient is 2544 and the remainder is 60 .
We are asked to determine the dividend.
By using Division lemma which is given by
Putting Divisor , Quotient , Remainder = 60 in equation (1) , we get
Therefore , the dividend is 440172 .