in a telephone directory, randhir, randesh, rama, ramesh which name will appear in the middle
Given : Names : randhir, randesh, rama, ramesh Renmurthi
To Find : which name will appear in the middle in a telephone directory
Names in a telephone directory appear in alphabetical order
randhir, randesh, rama, ramesh Renmurthi
1st letter is common in all 4 - R
second letters in 4 is a and one have e
e comes after a hence Renmurthi will come last
randhir, randesh, rama, ramesh
m comes before n
rama, ramesh
a comes before e
Hence rama, ramesh are 1st numbers
randhir, randesh
rand is common
e comes before h
Hence sequecne is
rama, ramesh randesh randhir Renmurthi
randesh will appear in the middle
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n a telephone directory, randhir, randesh, rama, ramesh which name will appear in the middle