In a village the average age of n people is 42 years. But after the
verification it was found that the age of a person had been
considered 20 years less that the actual age, so the new
average, after the increased by 1. The value of n is:
Step-by-step explanation:
correct summation (x1+x2+...+xn+20)=42*n+20
new avg=42+1=43
now (correct summation)/n=43
In a village the average age of n people is 42 years. But after the verification it was found that the age of a person had been considered 20 years less that the actual age, so the new average increased by 1
To find:
The value of n i.e. Number of people in the village
Step-by-step explanation:
As given
as we know average is given by
where is the mean
are the observations(ages) and n is the total number of observations(number of people)
Now it was found that the age of a person had been considered 20 years less that the actual age
And the new mean becomes
Therefore we have
Hence, there are 20 people in the village