in activities Non-verbal to Verbal Read the points oven to the webs chart given by WHO national public authority to control the outbreak of Con and to protect yourself and others from the spread of Com-13
The present guidelines supersede the document “Hospital Infection Control Guid-
ance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)”, revised 24 April 2003,
previously available at
• These guidelines relate to, and can be used in conjunction with, the document
“Avian Influenza, Including Influenza A (H5N1): WHO Interim Infection
Control Guidelines for Health-care Facilities” published by the WHO Regional
Office for the Western Pacific on 10 March 2004, and updated in May 2007,
available at
• Please make sure the version being used is the most recent version available at:
• After the conclusion of the pilot tests, to be conducted in 200/2008, a revised
version of these guidelines will be published.
• In the event of new epidemics or pandemics, additional recommendations will be