in ali baba and forty thieves write your views about the book
The moral lesson that can be inferred from the story "Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves" is that we should never lean before greed. one should never allow greed to take over our lives. in the story, all the characters feel guilty of being selfish at one or the other point of time.
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
This retelling of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves is one of the four titles in the Graphic Revolve: Arabian Nights series put out by Stone Arch (an imprint of Capstone), aimed at young readers, reluctant readers, and ESL students.
There is nothing new in this classic tale, unless of course, you’ve never heard or read it before. Simply retold so that it is accessible to young or struggling readers, this will appeal to anyone looking for tales from afar. Ali Baba witnesses thieves opening up a cave and adding riches to an abundance of golden treasures. Struggling for money, he can’t resist taking some with him. Unfortunately, his brother Kasim finds out and when he goes to the cave he is caught by the thieves and murdered. The thief looks to find out who the second intruder is and finds out it is Ali Baba. The thief devises a clever attack plan, but it is thwarted by Marjam, the servant girl.
The artwork is adequate, giving readers a sense of Persian history and of the dress in the time the story takes place. The colorful panels will keep reluctant readers’ eyes peeled to the page. Libraries on a tight budget are better off purchasing the paperback version. Given its availability, this has its place in a library’s collection. And parents looking to hook their young readers on the Arabian Nights will do well to introduce them through this series.
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (علي بابا والأربعون لصا) is a folk tale included in many versions of One Thousand and One Nights. Antoine Galland, who heard the story from Syrian storyteller Hanna Diyab, added it to the Nights in the 18th century. It is one of the most familiar of the "Arabian Nights" tales, and has been widely retold and performed in many media, especially for children, where the more violent aspects of the story are often suppressed.
In the story, Ali Baba (Arabic: علي بابا ʿAlī Bābā ) is a poor woodcutter who discovers the secret of a thieves' den, entered with the phrase "Open Sesame". The thieves learn this and try to kill Ali Baba, but Ali Baba's faithful slave-girl foils their plots. Ali Baba gives his nephew to her in marriage and keeps the secret of the treasure.
the story is greatly described and is good to read and also creates the suspense in readers mind iss completely based on magical world and person ali baba and 40 thieves .