English, asked by MakaaLODA4753, 1 year ago

In an inter school debat you have to speak in tha favour of tha motion modern gedgets have made us slaves to machine writa a speech


Answered by danger2776
Hola buddy,
here's your answer and I hope it helps you ^_^

● Good morning friends , if you look at your surrounding then you will be found a lot of things that make our life very easy and comfortable . Like TV , mobile phones , Fan , AC , laptop , etc. Etc. Etc. All these things are considered as modern gadgets .

Hello friends ... I am Niti Bansal from class 11th and today I come in front of you to tell you about the harmful effects of Modern gadgets in our daily life .

In everything from kitchen to shop , morning to evening whatever we use is nothing else but a modern gadget. These are the gift of science which are provided to make our life comfortable but we people use tgem or we can say depend over them in such a way that now it become not more than a curse for us .

Let's take an example of a student . There is a smart phone in almost every house now days . So ... what students do ???? ... they do their homework from mobile phone using Internet ... actually they use Internet to copy paste their homework ... but they don't know that while doing these types of worst things tgey are just spoiling their own future . Because if they will not use their brain then definitely at last only failure will be in their hands . I am not saying that students should use mobile phone . They should use it ... but in a limit ... that it can't be harmful for their own .

Now days , we are totally depend over modern gagdets . The things or work that we can by ourself that also we are doing by gadgets . Even for house cleaning there are a lots of machines are available which results in obesity . After what would happen ladies join gym and spent a lot of money to being slim again .

Like this there are a lot of examples which proves that how much we are dependent over modern gadgets . So at last I just want to say that ...

○ Science inventions are to make our life comfortable not to destroy . As their is very famous quote =>


Therefore, use these gadgets just in limit that we can't be totally depend over it . Use them in that way in which we can take its benifits but being not much dependent over them too .

Thanks ... Hope you got my message and apply it in your life .

thank you and have a nice day.....

hope this helps u and please mark it as brainliest
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