In an interview with a leading news channel, Mr. Rakesh Batra, CEO of ‘Get My Job’ has suggested that the Companies which want more and more people to apply for jobs in their organisation should make the process for applying for jobs easier and candidate friendly.’
Name and explain the next two steps which follow the step, in the process of the function of management being discussed above.
Selection: Selection is the process of choosing from among the pool of the prospective job candidates developed at the stage of recruitment. Even in case of highly specialised jobs where the choice space is very narrow, the rigour of the selection process serves two important purposes: (i) it ensures that the organisation gets the best among the available and (ii) it enhances the self-esteem and prestige of those selected and conveys to them the seriousness with which the things are done in the organisation. Placement and orientation: Orientation is introducing the selected employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. Placement refers to the employee occupying the position or post for which the person has been selected.