in any electric circuit why only electrons are movable not protons??
Protons interact in ways that electrons do not. Electrons are not affected by the strong force, and so they only get trapped by the electrical attraction to the nucleus which is much weaker in ionized atoms. Therefore it is easier for electrons to move away from one atom to another, transferring charge.
electrons are very light compared to protons, so if you imagine putting a proton in an electric field and an electron in the same electric field, the electron will be accelerated 1000x more (same charge, 1/1000th the mass). This means that when there is a charge imbalance and either proton or electron flow could alleviate it, the electrons will flow way before the protons are impelled to move,While, Protons interact in ways that electrons do not. They get trapped inside nuclei due to the effects of the strong force. Electrons are not affected by the strong force, and so they only get trapped by the electrical attraction to the nucleus which is much weaker in ionized atoms. Therefore it is easier for electrons to move away from one atom to another, transferring charge.