In astronomy, what is a weak force?
In particle physics, the weak interaction, which is also often called the weak force or weak nuclear force, is the mechanism of interaction between subatomic particles that is responsible for the radioactive decay of atoms.
Weak force, a force with less energy and force applied to any object.
Force is the external factor that can change the state of uniform motion in an object's pause or straight line.
WEAK force - B particles are released in the process of radioactive decay. It is called B decay. In this process, inside the nucleus, one-neutron, proton, electron and antinutrino is deformed.
The interaction between the electron and the antinutrino takes place only through weak forces.
These forces are said to be weak or weak because they are about 10–13 times the magnitude of the force and the decay processes conducted by them are very slow.
These forces show their effect by exchanging a particle called W Bosan. It is a very short range force.
Its range is also less than the size of protons and neutons.
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