In C program what does &i indictes
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& symbol serves two purposes in C programming. It is a addressOf operator i.e. used to retrieve memory location of a variable.
Example :
int a =10;
printf(“%d”,a); //value 10 will be printed
Here the variable’s value 10 will be obtained as a output. Now what if we want to the memory location where the variable is stored? It will be done as follows:
printf(“%d”&a); // Address of a
Secondly, it is a bit-wise operator. Bit-wise operators are used when we want to work on the bits directly. Unlike, relational and logical operators that return 1 and 0 these operators returns binary number like 1101010 .
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I tried a code to see what is the difference between &i and i if i is an array. My assumption was that i represents the starting address of the array, and I had no idea what will happen if I print &i as well. The result was surprising, as both i and &i was the starting address of the array.
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