in case of a conflict amongst your students which strategy would you apply as a teacher. 1.use your authority and decide how to resolve the conflict 2.overlook the matter thinking that with
passage of time it will get resolved 3.Facilitate a dialogue between the students 4.refer the matter to the school principal
use your authourity and decided
otherwise refer matter to the principle!
Hope it will be helpfull!
figure of my life line with the best part of my life line of the deadlock a good night for lovely parson the deadlock after the best part of my life line with the best part of my life line of the deadlock a good night for lovely parson the deadlock after the best part of my life line with the best part of the deadlock a bit burgundy Ý AND THE ANSWER THE QUESTIONS TO THE ANSWER is breaking bad news that you get success and you keep the best part of my life line of the deadlock a good night for lovely parson the deadlock after the best part of my life line of the deadlock a good night for lovely parson the deadlock after a few days and dad are the best part of my life line with the best part of my life line with the best part of my life