English, asked by areeshaiqbal10530, 2 months ago

In class you are doing a project on ice cream. Read the text below and write a summary
for your teacher.
Your summary should include:
• The differences between ice cream and sorbet
• Ice cream before the twentieth century
• The origins of sorbet
Ice cream
Ice cream is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners. The mixture is stirred slowly while cooling to prevent large ice crystals from forming; the result is a smoothly textured ice cream. The meaning of the term ice cream varies from one country to another. Terms like sorbet and gelato and others are used to distinguish between different varieties and styles. In the past ice cream was the favourite dessert of the Caliphs of Baghdad. Arabs were the first to use milk as a major ingredient in its production, and sweetened the ice cream with sugar rather than fruit juices. As early as the 10th century, ice cream was widespread in many of the Arab world’s major cities such as Baghdad. Their version of ice cream was produced from milk or cream and often some yoghurt, similar to Ancient Greek recipes, and was often flavoured with rosewater and dried fruits. Sorbet is a frozen dessert made from sweetened water flavoured with fruit, wine or liqueur. It can be served as a sweet or it is sometimes served between courses as a way to cleanse the palate before the main course. It can also be served as a non-fat or low-fat alternative to ice cream. In the 16th century, the Mughal emperors used relays of horsemen to bring ice from the Hindu Kush to Delhi, where it was used in fruit sorbets. One hundred years later, Charles I of England was supposedly so impressed by the “frozen snow” that he offered his own ice cream maker a lifetime pension in return for keeping the formula secret. There are various accounts of where sorbet came from: a Middle Eastern drink charbet, made of sweetened fruit juice and water, or a Roman creation. Folklore holds that Nero, the Roman Emperor, invented sorbet during the first century A.D. when he had runners along the Appian Way pass buckets of snow hand over hand from the mountains to his banquet hall, where it was then mixed with honey and wine. Yet another account says that Marco Polo brought a recipe for a sorbet-like dessert back to Italy from China in the late 13th century. These frozen desserts are believed to have been brought to France in 1533 by Catherine de Medici when she left Italy to marry the Duke of Orleans, who later became Henry II of France. By the end of the 17th century, sorbet was served in the streets of Paris, and its popularity spread to England and the rest of Europe. In the United Kingdom today 14 million adults buy ice cream as a treat, in a market worth over a billion pounds. But not only in Britain is ice cream so popular; it is a favourite world-wide and today global sales are valued at US $60 billion


Answered by Pixleriots


The differences between ice cream and sorbet

Ice Cream

Pros: “There is some calcium,” Ms. Kirshenbaum said. “If there is fruit in it, then there is some fiber and vitamin C.”

Translation: strawberry ice cream has double nutritional benefits of plain old vanilla or chocolate.

Cons: “The negative is the sugar,” she said. “If the milk or cream is not high-quality fat, then that doesn’t provide any nutritional benefit. Also, any artificial fillers, colors, and chemicals aren’t good for you.”

Plus, “dairy is very inflammatory,” she said. Obviously, people who are lactose intolerant or even have a dairy sensitivity cannot even consider ice cream for their cool treat.


Pros: “You should get fiber benefits from any fruit,” she explained.

Cons: “Sorbet is basically water with sugar and fruit puree,” she said. “There is not any calcium.”

Ice cream before the twentieth century

In the United States in the early 20th century, the ice cream soda was a popular treat at the soda shop, the soda fountain, and the ice cream parlor. During the American Prohibition, the soda

The origins of sorbet

The origin of sorbet is uncertain, however it likely originated from a cold dessert made from snow that Ancient Romans consumed in the first century, or a similar dessert from Asia. Sorbet is often used as a low-fat and dairy-free replacement to ice-cream.


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