In DNA finger printing, the DNA from the gel is transferred to. ____for hybridization
1. nitrocellulose membrane 2. agarose 3. autoradiogram 4. PCR
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In DNA finger printing, the DNA from the gel is transferred to. ____for hybridization
1. nitrocellulose membrane 2. agarose 3. autoradiogram 4. PCR
A . Electrophoresis of DNA fragments B . Hybridisation with DNA probe C ... E. Blotting of DNA fragments to nitrocellulose membrane. A ...
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The correct answer is Option 1
- Everyone's DNA has the same basic chemical composition. The arrangement of the base pairs is the only distinction between humans and other animals. Each person has a unique sequence because there are millions of base pairs in each person's DNA. The base pair sequences of each individual could be used to uniquely identify them. However, the task would take a long time because there are so many millions of base pairs. Instead, because DNA repeats certain patterns, scientists can use a quicker method. However, despite not providing a unique "fingerprint," these patterns can nevertheless
- Analyze two DNA samples to see if they come from the same person, a related person, or someone unrelated.
- Blotting the DNA gel on to a suitable membrane. The most commonly used is the nitrocellulose membrane. However, nylon membranes are also used which have better binding capacity. The membrane placed over the gel is subjected to gentle pressure. This is done by placing a stack of paper towels, ensuring uniform pressure on the gel. The moisture from the gel is absorbed by these towels. Due to this, single stranded DNA fragments are pulled and transferred on the membrane. The membrane is now a replica of the original DNA pattern on the gel.The membrane is now pre-hybridized. This is done to make sure that DNA probes do not attach to the membrane surfaces but to the single stranded DNA. Commonly, salmon sperm DNA are used for the process. This blocks the probe from binding to the surface of the membrane.
- This step is followed by hybridization with a suitable DNA probe. This DNA probe is a single stranded DNA having a sequence complementary to the desired sequence (the DNA to be investigated, like DNA found at the crime site, etc).
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