In Drosophila, gene for white eye mutation is also responsible for depigmentation of body parts. Thus a gene that controls several phenotypes is called [Kerala CET 2005]
A) Oncogene
B) Epistatic gene
C) Hypostatic gene
D) Pleiotropic gene
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A wide species of drosophila which are having the genes particularly focused for having eyes with white colour and giving a significant number of Hairs on their moistened wings will show a ability to translocate if they are individually or in bulky sorts as a independent assortments shows a chromosomal segment to exhibit only two genes as major qualities to be shifted into the next chromosome. It is an example of
or genes are exhibiting a

Mutatory factors are taken into play that show no significance in changing the traits and functioning of protein molecular components which are specifically mandatory for a phenomenon of Proteins getting Synthesised which work as a opposite pigmentatious workers in the whole body or more specifically changes those pigmentations in a Drosophilic body. More specifically speaking about it we can call (as said before) as mutations changing or altering regulators working for transcriptional changes further making it clear to change that pigmentation in those body parts of those Flies or Drosophilic bodies.
Here, depigmentation is depicting the monotonous changes which are in fact evolutionary and work only on some body parts to remove those pigmentations by all those mutations more importantly
producing those types of enzymes being not at all functioning which definitely changes the output of pigmentatious Synthesis including pigmentation and behaviour criteria of other physically genetic appearances of phenotypic characters in particular Null Mutations consisting of nonfunctioning genetic variations are not likely to get a chance for survival and continue their progenies in a naturally created population of Ecosystems, Biomes, etc.
Coming back to you query or point, A significance and effectual change and play with those genetic mechanisms created by the body parts in order to avoid and escape those Pleiotropic genomes as for to prevent alternations of genetic material for creating pigmentatious substances in some parts of body by the assistance of
present in early hood of Species Drosophila more constricting towards speciation of
they primarily play a important role in establishing stressor given by the environment because of it being a regulatory elementary framework in activation of specific mesoderm tissues or we can say they are more of transcription factors (don't remember the genetic name assigned to it) and hence are used as a novel Modelling Organism due to its tissue enhancers being more active and in higher presence than other species. These tissue enhancers are combined and are constantly in a interaction module with those environmental stressor and physically applied stressors which have multitude of Transcriptional regulators as for their part acting as a pigmentation controller in various parts of body , hence , some parts are known to cause some genetic mechanical functions whilst showing depigmentation and / or pigmentation in specific parts like abdominal , thoracic, wings and pupal pigmentations causing them to vary over time and develop over course of evolution or degrade subsequently having a predominance for evolutionary alternations which only accept one particulate genetic function for total modification continued and are regulators showing changes cis-elementary-regualtion over multiple traits.
This will surely make us, Human Beings, to understand the changes and variety selections of phenomena of Natural selection and it's pigments helping and playing a unique role in developing a stable population plus Evolutionary process of developing pigmentations.
A wide species of drosophila which are having the genes particularly focused for having eyes with white colour and giving a significant number of Hairs on their moistened wings will show a ability to translocate if they are individually or in bulky sorts as a independent assortments shows a chromosomal segment to exhibit only two genes as major qualities to be shifted into the next chromosome. It is an example of
Mutatory factors are taken into play that show no significance in changing the traits and functioning of protein molecular components which are specifically mandatory for a phenomenon of Proteins getting Synthesised which work as a opposite pigmentatious workers in the whole body or more specifically changes those pigmentations in a Drosophilic body. More specifically speaking about it we can call (as said before) as mutations changing or altering regulators working for transcriptional changes further making it clear to change that pigmentation in those body parts of those Flies or Drosophilic bodies.
Here, depigmentation is depicting the monotonous changes which are in fact evolutionary and work only on some body parts to remove those pigmentations by all those mutations more importantly
Coming back to you query or point, A significance and effectual change and play with those genetic mechanisms created by the body parts in order to avoid and escape those Pleiotropic genomes as for to prevent alternations of genetic material for creating pigmentatious substances in some parts of body by the assistance of
This will surely make us, Human Beings, to understand the changes and variety selections of phenomena of Natural selection and it's pigments helping and playing a unique role in developing a stable population plus Evolutionary process of developing pigmentations.
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