in each of the following sentences, replace each Adjective Phrase by an Adjective Clause
1. A man of industrious habits is sure to succeed
6. We all admire a man of courage
2. He told us the time of his arrival.
7. A city on a hill cannot be hid.
3. The time for departing has now arrived.
8. The people in the gallery could not hear
4. Do you know the road leading to the temple?
9. You can have anything of your liking
5. I have a box, filled with almonds.
10. The houses of the Burmese are often built of bamboo
Answer: Here we have to replace Adjective phrase by an adjective clause
1. A man who is of industrious habits is sure to succeed.
6. We all admire a man who is courageous.
2. He told us the time when he arrived.
7. A city which is situated on a hill cannot be hid.
3. The time when he has to depart has arrived.
8. The people who were in the gallery could not hear.
4. Do you know the road which leads to the temple?
9. You can have anything that you like.
5. I have a box which is filled with almonds.
10. The houses which belong to Burmese are often built of bamboo.
Adjective phrase:
A set of words that comprise an adjective and modify (alter) a noun or pronoun is known as an adjectival phrase. Adjective phrases are a fantastic method to vividly and interestingly describe people, places, things, and events. For instance, "He had a really loud voice.
Adjective Clause:
Dependent clauses with adjectives provide details about nouns. By using relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, where, when, which, that, and why) as connectors, they enable you to integrate two statements into a single one. WHO (used for humans as subjects) (used for people as subjects) The lecture was missed by my friend.
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