English, asked by arushi1782, 6 months ago

In each of the sentences given below, some word(s) is/are missing. Put a slash
where the word(s) is/are missing. Find appropriate word(s) from the box
below and write it/them in the blank.
even, that, order, as, if, as well
soon as, condition, so

1.The circular was distributed that the students might
know the vacation schedule.

2.Do not lie even the world is against you.

3.He saved a rupee daily so he could have something
in time of need.

4.Smriti stood if she were a statue.

5.The students stood up as the teacher arrived in
the class.

6.The President as the Prime Minister was present
in the function.

7.You will get this job on that you shall work seven
days a week

8.There is no harm in apologising to the elders if you
are not at fault.​


Answered by ponprapanjanprabhu


option c is the correct answer

Answered by senoritajan18


All the words in the box when joined with the expression in the sentences from 'compound linkers'

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