In Engel v. Vitale, why did the courts rule that prayer in schools was unconstitutional?
In Engel v. Vitale the courts ruled that prayer in schools was unconstitutional.
The court held that this clause of official prayer was violating the establishment clause of the constitution.
US government officials were stopped from declaring an official school prayer.
All the schools were forced to recite this prayer.
The landmark verdict delivered by the United States Supreme Court, on the case of Engel Vs Vitale, held that prayer is a religious activity and religious activity should not be allowed in schools.
The United States Supreme Court in 1962 delivered the verdict on Engel Vs Vitale case that declared that it was unconstitutional to have official school prayers. The Abington School district Vs Schempp case in 1963 followed this, which also was given the same verdict - school prayers and Bible recitation were unconstitutional.
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