In Finkelstein reaction, when any alkyl halide is treated with NaI and acetone then Alkyl Iodide and PPt of NaX is formed.... This NaX is insoluble in water.. Why so?
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Hey MATE!!!
Finkelstien reaction involves displacement of one hallide present on alkyl present to another hallide. We use Acetone as a reagent in this reaction because in anhydrous condition i.e. when acetone is pure which having water, its used in Finkelstein's reaction to facilitates the forward reaction according to Le Chatelier's Principle.
The Dry Acetone in the medium doesn't allow NaX to dissolve because NaX is a polar compound whereas Acetone is an important organic non-polar solvent, which results in precipitation of NaX in Acetone which facilitates reaction in forward direction.
Also, NaI is the only one which is soluble in Acetone, rest others are insoluble.
Hope it helps
Hey this can your answer from Aaditya Goel
Finkelstein reaction is used to prepare alkyl iodides starting from alkyl chlorides and alkyl bromides. In this reaction alkyl chlorides or bromides are treated with NaI in presence of acetone to form alkyl iodides.
In acetone, NaI is soluble ,as its lattice energy is lesser than the solvation energy of acetone.But NaCl or NaBr is insoluble in acetone,hence it get precipitated. So stress is exerted on the reaction equillibrium due to deposition of NaCl.According to Le-chateliers principle,in order to minimize the exerted stress,reaction tends to go for the completion