Physics, asked by maneshkumar8899, 3 months ago

In FPS system, the fundamental physical quantities are.
B.Length,force and time
C.Length,Force and velocity
D.Length,force and pressure
E.Length,force and mass


Answered by anushkakhatik50




India represents “Unity in Diversity” . Our country is a mixture of cultures, regions, traditions, diversity in food, languages, etc. Our people of India are so polite, understanding and helping in nature. The national bird of India is Peacock and is very beautiful. India is so incredible and is full of colors and has the tiger as its national animal, hockey as its national game, etc. the national language or mother tongue of our country is Hindi. Indians are also so talented and have shown very high growth. The I.T. sector of our country shows accelerating growth due to intelligent software engineers.

incredible india essay

India As a Country

India is the seventh-largest country by its geographical area and is located in South Asia. The beauty surrounds our country from each and every aspect. India is also known by two other names Bharat and Hindustan and the people of India are known as Indians. The national anthem of our country is “Jan Gan Man” and the national song of our country is “Sare Jahan Se Achcha”.

India is a Democratic country where people themselves choose their leader and live with freedom i.e. they can do anything they wish to within the limits of the law. If any citizen of India tries to harm any other person, there are also rules and regulations to punish him in order to make him realize his mistake.

Our country is also incredible because of its beautiful mountains, lakes, forests, seas, oceans, etc. Many foreigners each year visit India to see the beauty of our country that is its rich historical temples, its traditions, its language, its heritage, etc.

Different Regions of India

North Region

North Region consists of the most incredible thing in the world that is The Himalayas which is the highest mountain in the world. This region also consists of the beautiful Kashmir covered with mountains. It consists of Uttar Pradesh which is mainly known as the land of Krishna, land of Rama, etc. This region also consists of one of the wonders of the world i.e. Taj Mahal which people come to visit across the world.

Southern Region

This is the “Land of Nawabs”. It is famous for its festivals, food, and languages. The place is famous for its rice dishes. This region consists of cities like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka, etc.

East Region

East part of India consists of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Odisha, etc. The capital of West Bengal, Kolkata is the largest city of this section and is the metropolitan city and is the third’s largest city in the country. Kolkata is known for its sweetness and festival.

West Region

The West part of the country is really incredible as it is covered with sands and deserts. Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Maharashtra are the three most amazing places in this region. The culture, the language, the traditions and the clothes of this region are incredible and you will love to visit this region.

Indian Culture and Religion

India’s culture is among the world’s oldest; civilization in India began about 4,500 years ago. India has 29 states with different culture and civilizations and one of the most populated countries in the world. The Indian culture, often labeled as a mixture of several various cultures.

India gave birth to Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and other religions. They are now collectively known as Indian religions. Today, Hinduism and Buddhism are the third and fourth-largest religions respectively of the world. Although India is a secular Hindu-majority country, it has a large Muslim population.


India, being a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, celebrates holidays and festivals of various religions. Major festivals include Diwali, Durga puja, Holi, Ganesh puja, Navratri, Rath yatra, etc are there round the year.


Indian food is a cosmopolitan cuisine that has so many ingredients. It is as diverse as India. Indian recipes use numerous ingredients, deploy a wide range of food preparation styles, cooking techniques, and culinary presentation. Thus the tastes of same food like salads, sauces, vegetables, meat, desserts vary from region to region.


We are proud of our cultural distinctiveness. We are proud to be the inhabitants of India. It is our duty to maintain its unique feature. We have to think beyond the petty interests and work for the broader goals of bringing prosperity and progress in society.

Answered by as7803617


Physical Quantities and Units


By the end of this section, you will be able to:

Perform unit conversions both in the SI and English units.

Explain the most common prefixes in the SI units and be able to write them in scientific notation.

A view of Earth from the Moon.

Figure 1. The distance from Earth to the Moon may seem immense, but it is just a tiny fraction of the distances from Earth to other celestial bodies. (credit: NASA)

The range of objects and phenomena studied in physics is immense. From the incredibly short lifetime of a nucleus to the age of the Earth, from the tiny sizes of sub-nuclear particles to the vast distance to the edges of the known universe, from the force exerted by a jumping flea to the force between Earth and the Sun, there are enough factors of 10 to challenge the imagination of even the most experienced scientist. Giving numerical values for physical quantities and equations for physical principles allows us to understand nature much more deeply than does qualitative description alone. To comprehend these vast ranges, we must also have accepted units in which to express them. And we shall find that (even in the potentially mundane discussion of meters, kilograms, and seconds) a profound simplicity of nature appears—all physical quantities can be expressed as combinations of only four fundamental physical quantities: length, mass, time, and electric current.

We define a physical quantity either by specifying how it is measured or by stating how it is calculated from other measurements. For example, we define distance and time by specifying methods for measuring them, whereas we define average speed by stating that it is calculated as distance traveled divided by time of travel.

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