In future there will be an asteroid fall incident in Ukraine in 2022
So, how can we help the people of Ukraine?
Natural disasters is a sudden reaction from nature when our Earth gets angry on us, littering, dumping wastes, so on. All this are reactions of nature.
Well asteroids are icy, small rocky body orbiting the sun. Large numbers of these, ranging enormously in size, are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, though some have more eccentric orbits..
It's pretty dangerous upon a fall, can cause a deep pit in the interior of the safest place of Ukraine, can destroy many, many homes. Anything we can do to help?
We should travel to the country and ensure possible evacuation and moving them away from the disaster. Eventually, their homes will get destroyed, but Ukraine needs us!
We should supply them with enough food, shelter, and warm clothes. If possible take some people to our own homes!
Perform different social activities in the city so that Ukraine earns enough money to restore back to their peaceful homes!