in given table Tomato is strictly a fruit, because it is an ovary with seeds. However, since it is not sweet and is eaten along with the main course of a meal, it is classified as a vegetable, Most tomatoes are picked before fully ripe. Tomatoes benefit the heart and keep blood pressure in control. Tomato is grown from the seeds of other tomatoes. Tomatoes need plenty of warm sunshine, but not more than 35°C. The soil has to be rich in organic matter and should have sufficient calcium. Tomato plants need adequate supply of water per day. Tomatoes take about two to three months to grow. They have to be picked before they are fully ripe. Potato is a tuber crop. Potatoes contain resistant starch and fibre. Potato is grown from the 'eyes' of other potatoes. Potatoes grow in cool climate. Potatoes grow in average soil. The soil should be fertile and well-drained. Potatoes take about four to five months to grow. They have to be picked before they are fully ripe. Potatoes are dug out of the soil. Now, write the given information in the following table : Description Tomato Potato Kind of crop : Classification : Picked : Benefits: Grown from: Climate : Soil : Water supply: Time to grow :

Step-by-step explanation:
of a meal, it is classified as a vegetable, Most tomatoes are picked before fully ripe. Tomatoes benefit the heart and keep blood pressure in control. Tomato is grown from the seeds of other tomatoes. Tomatoes need plenty of warm sunshine, but not more than 35°C. The soil has to be rich in organic matter and should have sufficient calcium. Tomato plants need adequate supply of water per day. Tomatoes take about two to three months to grow. They have to be picked before they are fully ripe. Potato
in given table Tomato is strictly a fruit, because it is an ovary with seeds. However, since it is not sweet and is eaten along with the main course of a meal, it is classified as a vegetable, Most tomatoes are picked before fully ripe. Tomatoes benefit the heart and keep blood pressure in control.