Hindi, asked by ac7023710, 5 months ago

in Hindi
A giant in stature, with long hair, wearing a bottle green fur lined overcoat and round seal skin cap on his
head, Oscar Wilde arrived in New York on 2nd of January 1882 on a lecture tour. He was mobbed by
reporters who asked him (much to his irritation) unimportant questions such as how he liked his eggs
fried? How he trimmed his finger nails? And what temperature he preferred his bath to be? (His answer
showed a total lack of interest. However, when he stepped ashore, the customs official asked, "Have you
anything to declare?" and with customary style. Wilde replied, "No, I have nothing to declare (pause)
except my genius. Few remarks in history have travelled as widely and as quickly as that one in Hindi


Answered by cp8177551


Your question is in English. so how can we answer in Hindi?

Answered by 19659

long hair and a bottle green fur-lined overcoat

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