In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'RITUAL' be arranged?
A) 720
B) 5040
C) 360
D) 180
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In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'RITUAL' be arranged?
A) 720
B) 5040
C) 360
D) 180
Answer: A) 720
Read Description:
The number of words in the given word RITUAL = 6
Then, Required number of different ways can the letters of the word RITUAL be arranged = 6!
=> 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
=> 720
A) 720
B) 5040
C) 360
D) 180
Answer: A) 720
Read Description:
The number of words in the given word RITUAL = 6
Then, Required number of different ways can the letters of the word RITUAL be arranged = 6!
=> 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
=> 720
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Heyy mate ❤✌✌❤
Here's your Answer....
The word 'LEADING' has 7 different letters.
When the vowels EAI are always together, they can be supposed to form one letter.
Then, we have to arrange the letters LNDG (EAI).
Now, 5 (4 + 1) letters can be arranged in 5! = 120 ways.
The vowels (EAI) can be arranged among themselves in 3! = 6 ways.
Required number of ways = (120 x 6) = 720.
Here's your Answer....
The word 'LEADING' has 7 different letters.
When the vowels EAI are always together, they can be supposed to form one letter.
Then, we have to arrange the letters LNDG (EAI).
Now, 5 (4 + 1) letters can be arranged in 5! = 120 ways.
The vowels (EAI) can be arranged among themselves in 3! = 6 ways.
Required number of ways = (120 x 6) = 720.
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