In how many different ways can the letters of the word france be arranged so that vowels do not came together?
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then remove that vowels.haa
Answered by
Number of Different ways to arrange the letters of the word so that vowels do not came together = 480
Given word : FRANCE
Total letters = 6
Total ways to arrange letters in word =
Vowels = A E
Consonant = FRNC
When vowels come together , we can count pair of A and E as 1 , then the total letters will be= 5
Number of Different ways to arrange the letters of the word so that vowels came together =
Now , Number of Different ways to arrange the letters of the word so that vowels do not came together = 720-240= 480
∴ Number of Different ways to arrange the letters of the word so that vowels do not came together is 480.
# Learn more :
In how many different ways can the letter of the word trainer be arranged so that the vowels always come together
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