in how many ways table can be created in OpenOffice base
Heading — Defines the first row(s) in the table as headings. The default Table Heading paragraph style is applied to the heading rows and thus makes the text centered, bold, and italic. You can edit the OOo-predefined Table Heading paragraph style in the Styles and Formatting window to change these default settings. When splitting a table into two tables, the Heading row(s) are copied in the second table.
Repeat heading — Repeats the heading row(s) of the table at the top of subsequent pages if the table spans more than one page.
The first ... rows —Specifies the number of rows to be repeated. Default is 1.
Don’t split table — Prevents the table from spanning more than one page. This can be useful if the table starts near the end of a page, and would look better if it were completely located on the following page. If the table becomes longer than would fit on one page, you will need to either deselect this option or manually split