In human several corona viruses are known to cause respiration infections ranging from common cold to sevens diseases like pneumania, branchitis and so no . Find out more about any one of these respiration disease - symptoms cause and treatment. Write a report in 100-120 words
coronavirus is the am ful virus which is present on the world it is invisible but it is the king of the world in the present day so it was first founded in the vuhan in china
this is caused by the coronavirus which shows the symptoms such as coughing sneezing and fever and problems in a respiratory pigment of the humans when the coronavirus attacks to the human being it blocks the branch of aloevela which is present on the lungs that blocks the branchi which is present on the lungs which is for the respirations of human for the blood circulatory and heat has transport the oxygen of oxygenated oxygen to the all over parts of the human body when this part is blocked and so the oxygenated oxygen cannot be transported to each and every part of the human body as he coronavirus has causes the respiratory illness
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