In industrial revolution in the economic field what are the cons
1. A Loss Of Farming
There was much more money to be made in the cities than in the rural farming areas. This caused many people to abandon their farms and move to the industrial centers. This made the amount of farmed foods scarce for a long period of time.
2. The Beginning of Pollution
Before all of the factories came about during the revolution, there was no major sources of pollution to the water and air in the world. The pollution never stopped after this time and continues to contaminate our air, land, and water.
3. Working Conditions In Factories
Factories quickly became all about profit. The working conditions for the large amount of people working these factories where extremely poor. They where forced to work extremely long hours with few breaks and little pay in order to maximize profits. This resulted in stress related illnesses, the spread of disease, and death through out the factories.