History, asked by haggaititus, 1 year ago

In Kalhana's Rajatarangini he writes about the history of Kashmir in ancient India. Find out facts where you think the author - Kalhana may be exaggerating.


Answered by abc120454

Little is known about the author Kalhana (c. 12th century CE), apart from what is written in the book. His father Champaka was the minister (Lord of the Gate) in the court of Harsha of Kashmir. In the first Taranga (book) of Rajatarangini, Kalhana expresses his dissatisfaction with the earlier historical books, and presents his own views on how history ought to be written:[2]

Verse 7. Fairness: That noble-minded author is alone worthy of praise whose word, like that of a judge, keeps free from love or hatred in relating the facts of the past.Verse 11. Cite earlier authors: The oldest extensive works containing the royal chronicles [of Kashmir] have become fragmentary in consequence of [the appearance of] Suvrata's composition, who condensed them in order that (their substance) might be easily remembered.Verse 12. Suvrata's poem, though it has obtained celebrity, does not show dexterity in the exposition of the subject-matter, as it is rendered troublesome [reading] by misplaced learning.Verse 13. Owing to a certain want of care, there is not a single part in Ksemendra's "List of Kings" (Nrpavali) free from mistakes, though it is the work of a poet.Verse 14. Eleven works of former scholars containing the chronicles of the kings, I have inspected, as well as the [Purana containing the] opinions of the sage Nila.Verse 15. By looking at the inscriptions recording the consecretations of temples and grants by former kings, at laudatory inscriptions and at written works, the trouble arising from many errors has been overcome.

Despite these stated principles, Kalhana's work is also full of legends and inconsistencies

haggaititus: Is these verses in his book - Rajataringini?
haggaititus: Would you please state me the exact page number these verses are situated in the book?
abc120454: yes these verses are in his book but guy i don't know page no.
abc120454: srry
Answered by topanswers

Rajatarangini is the Sanskrit composition by Kalhana which records the history of Kashmir.

Rajatarangini is completely a contemporary. Exaggeration in contemporary is always common, but when it comes to Indian contemporary writings, exaggerations seems touching the heights, every time. Contemporary writers considers exaggeration is a mandatory object for describing legends.  

In Rajatarangini, Kalhana had wisely avoided all the exaggerations. He simply said the fact as it was like. It seems he didn’t used any special effects to describe the legends. This is why Rjatharangini leaves the readers deep in their thoughts.

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