History, asked by zoellasantos028, 3 months ago

In modern technology how will you promote and preserve the traditional music of your country?


Answered by vinesh19104


Traditional Music in Community Life: Aspects of Performance, Recordings,. and Preservation

How does a community maintain an identity? What motivates its members to work together, to struggle for common goals? How do its members resist forced changes in order to create a future of their own design? Although people who write books tend to attribute most of the significance of social and religious life to ideas phrased in words, many deep-seated community bonds are forged through the senses. They are created and renewed by experiencing sights, aromas, tastes, tactile sensations, and sounds. Artists, cooks, dancers, and musicians know this - but their most convincing arguments don't use words at all.

The repetitive, structured, often danced-with sounds of music are found in almost every society - along with language. There is something deeply human about music, but deeply cultural about it as well, for - like languages - there are many forms of music. Unlike language, however, music does not require "understanding." People may be moved by music of peoples whose language means nothing to them, and the same musical performance may mean different things to different people.

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