English, asked by nirmp10, 7 months ago

In modern times, we take mostly faulty and unbalanced diet like refined, synthetic and processed foods and also white flour, white sugar and foods with chemical additives. As a result, the digestive system of our body gets disturbed. Stomach, which is the most important part of the digestive system, suffers mostly by the faulty diet. It becomes inactive with the functioning of digestion in an improper manner. Later on many diseases and disorders appear in the body with the loss of health

By the intake of faulty diet, the toxins start building up in the body. Due to the presence of these toxins, the waste matter gets blocked and process of digestion and assimilation slows down. The best remedy for this problem is fasting. It is the oldest natural therapy which has been practised since ancient times. Fasting, in simple words, means living without food The body also gets physical, mental and psychological rest with less eating. Fasting for a day is good for health. Fasting improves digestion, assimilation and cleansing of all parts of the body. It tones up the entire system. The liver becomes active to remove toxic matter. The digestive system gets rest and starts functioning properly. It also increases natural resistance to diseases.

Read the following questions given below and write the most appropriate option

1. How does stomach suffer if we consume faulty diet?

a) We suffer from stomachache b) We suffer from vomiting

c) Stomach's functioning becomes slow d) Stomach becomes inactive

2. 'It is the oldest natural therapy' (paragraph 2). Here 'it' refers to: a) food

b) fasting

c) diet

3. The word 'assimilation' means a) dissimilarity b) indigestion c) combination

4. The best remedy of slow assimilation is

a) indulge in eating

c) refrain from eating

5. Choose the adjective form

a) remedied

b) eating vegetables d) eating balanced diet

b) remedially c) remedy

d) remedial​


Answered by shariqali76345


1.Stomach, which is the most important part of the digestive system, suffers mostly by the faulty diet

Answered by jashanpreetbk


faulty and unbalanced diet

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