In most cases it is difficult or impossible to describe____ data
Statistics forms the back bone of data science or any analysis for that matter. Sound knowledge of statistics can help an analyst to make sound business decisions.
On one hand, descriptive statistics helps us to understand the data and its properties by use of central tendency and variability. On the other hand, inferential statistics helps us to infer properties of the population from a given sample of data. Knowledge of both descriptive and inferential statistics is essential for an aspiring data scientist or analyst.
To help you improve your knowledge in statistics we conducted this practice test. The test covered both descriptive and inferential statistics in brief. I am providing the answers with explanation in case you got stuck on particular questions.
In case you missed the test, try solving the questions before reading the solutions.
Overall Scores
Below are the distribution scores, they will help you evaluate your performance.
You can access the final scores here. More than 450 people took this test and the highest score obtained was 37. Here are a few statistics about the distribution.
Mean Score: 20.40
Median Score: 23
Mode Score: 25