Chemistry, asked by sharon336, 4 months ago

In most cases, the first letter of the name of the element is taken as the symbol for that element and written in capitals (e.g. for sulphur, we use the symbol S). In cases where the first letter has already been adopted, we use a symbol derived from the Latin name (e.g. for sodium/Natrium, we use the symbol Na). In some cases, we use the initial letter in capital together with a small letter from its name (e.g. for silicon, we use the symbol Si)​


Answered by Anonymous



Periodic Table (Elements 1-100)


He Helium

Li Lithium

Be Beryllium

B Boron

C Carbon

N Nitrogen

O Oxygen

F Fluorine

Ne Neon

Na Sodium

Mg Magnesium

Al Aluminum

Si Silicon

P Phosphorous

S Sulfur

Cl Chlorine

Ar Argon

K Potassium

Ca Calcium

Sc Scandium

Ti Titanium

V Vanadium

Cr Chromium

Mn Manganese

Fe Iron

Co Cobalt

Ni Nickel

Cu Copper

Zn Zinc

Ga Gallium

Ge Germanium

As Arsenic

Se Selenium

Br Bromine

Kr Krypton

Rb Rubidium

Sr Strontium

Y Yttrium

Zr Zirconium

Nb Niobium

Mo Molybdenum

Tc Technetium

Ru Ruthenium

Rh Rhodium

Pd Palladium

Ag Silver

Cd Cadmium

In Indium

Sn Tin


Here are some example

yes , there was a elements of that symbol so we use first letters of that element

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have a nice day♥

Answered by khetanbela85


I don't know the answer


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