in ngar droplet method we pour sample on petri dish has total quantity
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Pouring a plate
1. Collect one bottle of sterile molten agar from the water bath.
2. Hold the bottle in the right hand; remove the cap with the little
finger of the left hand.
3. Flame the neck of the bottle.
4. Lift the lid of the Petri dish slightly with the left hand and pour
the sterile molten agar into the Petri dish and replace the lid.
5. Flame the neck of the bottle and replace the cap.
6. Gently rotate the dish to ensure that the medium covers the plate
7. Allow the plate to solidify.
The base of the plate must be covered, agar must not touch the lid of the plate and the surface must be smooth with
no bubbles.
The plates should be used as soon as possible after pouring. If they are not going to be used straight away they need to
be stored inside sealed plastic bags to prevent the agar from drying out