In operator_precedence parsing disjoint precedence we use relations.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D.O four
Answer: Mark it has Brainliest
Role of Operator Precedence Parser
Difficulty Level : Hard
Last Updated : 09 Mar, 2021
In this, we will cover the overview of Operator Precedence Parser and mainly focus on the role of Operator Precedence Parser. And will also cover the algorithm for the construction of the Precedence function and finally will discuss error recovery in operator precedence parsing. Let’s discuss it one by one.
Introduction :
Operator Precedence Parser constructed for operator precedence grammar. Operator precedence grammar is a grammar that doesn’t contain epsilon productions and does not contain two adjacent non-terminals on R.H.S. of any production. Operator precedence grammar is provided with precedence rules. Operator Precedence grammar could be either ambiguous or unambiguous.
Operator Precedence Parser Algorithm :
1. If the front of input $ and top of stack both have $, it's done
2. compare front of input b with ⋗
if b! = '⋗'
then push b
scan the next input symbol
3. if b == '⋗'
then pop till ⋖ and store it in a string S
pop ⋖ also
reduce the poped string
if (top of stack) ⋖ (front of input)
then push ⋖ S
if (top of stack) ⋗ (front of input)
then push S and goto 3
Components Operator Diagram :
Components Operator
Example –
Let’s take an example to understand the role of operator precedence as follows.
E-> E+T/T
T-> T*V/V