in our country the mother is blamed for giving birth to a girl child as a unlighted student what effects can be made for you to get rid of this Stigma
I think educating people about how the gender of the child depends on what kind of sperms fertilise the eggs should be done,moreover in the maternity clinics etc the doctors and medical staff should explain this to the families.
I hope that this helped u ,even a little
For one, it is the father who is responsible. You see, during coitus, when the male sperms are released into the genital tract of a female, half of them are x-bearing and the remaining half are y-bearing. Keep in mind that its simply a matter of chance as to which sperms fuses with the ovum. If the x bearing sperm fuses, it forms XX, which is the constitution of a female, AKA, a daughter. If the y bearing sperm fuses with the ovum, it forms XY, which is the genetic constitution of a male, AKA, a son. So, it actually depends on the father. As for what you can do: just spread this knowledge in rural areas where female infanticide is popular. It would be great to see abusive husbands thrown out of the house for producing sons rather than helpless and financially dependent wives who will eventually end up suffering from postpartum depression