in paragraph, Today is your examination when you woke up you found that you were suffering from feaver anyhow you appeared for the examination write your experience of this day in the form of dairy entry
dear diary,
today was my examination and i had a fever , i thought of staying home but how can i stay home skipping an exam ,so i went to school today . after going to school i felt tired and my friends took care of me. when the exam was started i was just able to think of how i was feeling and i was not able to concentrate on the exam but somehow managed to complete the examination . After a few minutes i was just surprised to see that my teacher said to me that ,"very good child you are still present in school even you have a fever , no problem if you take less marks you can see next time , just take care of your health" after saying this i felt really happy and got a confidence that i can do all other exams even if i have a fever.