Biology, asked by ia3u, 4 months ago

In plants, genes involved in chlorophyll synthesis are in both the nucleus and chloroplasts. Some variegated plants (with both green and white leaves and shoots) have mutations that prevent them from synthesizing chlorophyll throughout their leaves. To understand the genetics underlying chlorophyll synthesis, scientists performed the crosses shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Crosses of flowers on a variegated plant and the resulting progeny

(A) Describe how genetic information is carried in chloroplasts and mitochondria (1 point).
(B) Explain how the inheritance pattern shown in Figure 1 supports a role for chloroplast genes in the production of chlorophyll in the variegated plants (1 point).
(C) Ovules produced by an entirely green plant contain a rare mutation in a nuclear gene that is involved in chlorophyll synthesis, and the gene encodes a nonfunctional protein. Predict the most likely color of the leaves on plants that are produced when these ovules are fertilized by pollen from a wild-type green plant (1 point).
(D) Provide reasoning to justify your prediction (1 point).


Answered by answermeplz00


what are you asking me do you no

Answered by priyacnat


A) The genetic systems, including the organelle and nucleus, are necessary for the growth of the mitochondria and chloroplasts. Nuclear DNA contains the protein coding, which is then sent to the organelle. In mitosis and meiosis, the genes carried by the chloroplasts and mitochondria are distributed at random. Any organelles on that side of the cell are transported to other daughter cells as it divides. Since mitochondria and chloroplasts are subcellular bioenergetic organelles, they each have their own genetic systems. DNA is stored in the nucleus, and a chloroplast contains hundreds of nucleoids.

B) The experiment's findings show that the offspring's color was determined by the color of the egg donor branch (parent). Pure white or pure green children were produced by the female paternal branches, which were both pure. The three different types of children can be produced by the female parental branches that were variegated. The chloroplast clearly demonstrates maternal inheritance. A pure green progeny will be born from the branch's green eggs, which contain green chloroplasts. As a result, a branch that is all white will produce ovules that are entirely composed of white chloroplasts, giving rise to an entirely white child.

C) The ovules of a flowering plant, known as angiosperms, are transformed into seeds during fertilisation. The reproductive organs of the flowering plant are as follows: 

  • Stamen, the male sexual organ
  • Pistil, a female sex organ

D) A living thing's personality is determined by its genes and how they are expressed. These genetic traits are intimately correlated with the traits of the plant. The presence of chloroplast is what gives the ovule its green hue. The green of the plant and the color of the ovule are both determined by genes. Therefore, the genes are in charge of producing the green pigment in the chloroplast and in plants.

To know more about ovules check below link:

To know more about Chloroplast check below link:


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