In price of flowers.Write the character sketch of Gupta.
Gupta was an Indian who lived in London. He met Maggie in a restaurant. Maggie was a poor girl whose brother was a soldier who had gone to India. Gupta was a kind and compassionate person. He did not differentiate between rich and poor. He went to visit her mother when she was sick. He wanted her to recover so he told a lie. He looked into the crystal ring and said that her son Frank was safe. This helped her mother to regain her health. But later he came to know that Frank had died. He was very unhappy about it.
Character sketch of Mr. Gupta
Mr.Gupta is the narrator of the story The Price of Flowers.
He is an Indian citizen staying in England.
He is a learned and educated gentleman.
One day he met Maggie at a restaurant.
He was curious about the girl because he found she was curious about him.
He went to see Maggie’s mother when she was sick.
Mr.Gupta was surprised that Maggie and her family were highly superstitious.
Though he couldn’t see anything through the crystal ring he told a lie that
Frank was alive.
It was his caring nature that made him hide the fact about Frank’s death.
He was forced to tell a lie that Frank was alive.
Gupta was a kind and compassionate person.
He considered Maggie as a sister.
Maggie visited Mr.Gupta before he left for India.
Maggie gave a shilling to buy flowers and to place it on the grave of her
Gupta accepted the shilling because Maggie would feel consoled whenever
she did something for her brother.
His simplicity and humility made the difference.