Physics, asked by stylishpriya119, 4 months ago

In Raman spectroscopy, the wavenumbers (vs ) of

the corresponding spectral lines for anti-stokes

line is (Here, B is rotational constant and J is

rotational quantum number).

(a) v  v  B(4J  6) s ex

(b) v  v  B(4J  6) s ex

(c) v  v  B(4J  6) s ex

(d) v  v  B(4J  6)​


Answered by crankybirds30


Part of the rotational spectrum of trifluoroiodomethane, CF

3I.[notes 1] Each rotational transition is labeled with the quantum numbers, J, of the final and initial states, and is extensively split by the effects of nuclear quadrupole coupling with the 127I nucleus.

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