Science, asked by yash24gkgmail, 2 months ago

in) Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below.

Carbon cunsumption of animais and plants stops after death and since then, only

the decaying process of C-14 occurs contnuously. In case of dead bodies of plants and

animals, instead of remaining constant, the ratio between C-14 and C-12 changes

continuously as C-12 is non-radioactive. Ihe ime passed since the death of a plant or

animal can be calculated by measuring the radioactivity of C-14 and ratio of C-14 to C-12

present in their body. This is carbon datung method. It is used in paleontology and

anthropology for determining the age of human fossils and manuscripts

a) When does carbon cunsumption stops in living being?

b) Which process continue after death of plant and animal?

c)State true or false

C-12 is radioactive.

d) What is carbon dating?

e) Where is carbon dating useful?​


Answered by krupa212010106

a) Carbon cunsumption of animais and plants stops after death and sinconly the decaying process of C-14 occurs contnuously.

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