In silver poem the post has sketched a number of different picture of the moonlight scene describe any two of them that you think are most striking.
answer: Walter de la Mare’s “Silver” is an innovative sonnet, consisting of seven rimed couplets. Its theme reveals the mysterious, fantastic world that appears on a silent night with the moon shining brightly upon the landscape.The simple content and rhyme scheme of the poem make it a very good example of a poem that should be read aloud. The emphasis is on the aesthetic quality rather than some unique massage or idea the writer wishes to convey. The poem is written in iambic pentameter, i.e, a line containing 5 iambs.
So this poem was meant to be read aloud and provide entertainment.
Walter the la Mare was a night watcher and a 'moon enthusiast' and wished to convey the scenic beauty and the nostalgic feelings this image creates. He captivated this beauty with various personifications and makes the readers feel that they are engulfed in the silver beams of the Moon. The readers instantly feel soothed by the moon's gleam. So that's basically the purpose of the poem. The word silver is mentioned 9 times yet he was able to incorporate it without getting on the nerves of the reader. That was the introduction i guess.
i have already answered it.