Biology, asked by diabashir, 1 year ago

in some plants female gamete develops into embryo without fertilization. what is this phenomenon called? ​


Answered by GauravSaxena01

Answer: In some plants, female gamete develops into embryo without fertilization, this phenomenon is known as parthenocarpy and in animals it is known as parthenogenesis (bees).

Production of fruit without fertilisation where the fruit is seedless.

Parthenocarpy is insignificant where seed or seed part is edible.

Eg: cashew, almond, grainss.

Parthenocarpy is induced due to mutation and now a days it is also induced artificially to produce fruit.

Stimulation is required for artifical parthenocarpy, knownas stimulative parthenocarpy whereas plants that do not require pollination or other stimulation to produce parthenocarpic fruit known as vegetative parthenocarpy.

Answered by ChitranjanMahajan

Answer: Parthenocarpy.

. (Parthenos - virgin, Karpos - fruit)

. Production and development of seedless fruits is called Parthenocarpy.

. Parthenocarpy is of two types, vegetative and stimulative.

. In vegetative Parthenocarpy the seedless fruits can develop even without the stimulus of pollination, e.g., pear.

. In stimulative Parthenocarpy the stimulus of pollination is required without the actual process of fertilisation or seed setting, e.g., Grapes.

. A number of fruit varieties ( banana, orange, pineapple e.t.c.) have been altered genetically to undergo parthenocarpic development.

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