In sport such as football , players run, stop and jump. Explain how friction helps football players
runners use the friction between their shoes and the track to impart forward motion to their bodies. Otherwise it would be like running on ice. Soccer players use friction between the air and the soccer ball to bend it like Beckham. As they kick the ball they impart spin and through a process involving friction with the air among other things, the ball will curve.Without friction, pole vaulters would plant their pole and then just slide along it. The friction between their hands and their poles allows them to turn their forward momentum into vertical lift.Friction is what keeps the football in the quarterback's hand until he let's go and it allows the receiver to catch the ball.Friction between the ground and shoe is used again when a baseball player rounds the bases. Assuming he was moving toward 1st base, without friction he'd slide right past and into the outfield. Friction allows him to plant his foot and turn towards 2nd.