Math, asked by sid183, 1 year ago

In sports day activities of Meerut Public School, the lines were drawn with chalk powder in rectangular shape OBCD. Each line is at 1/2 m distance from each other. 60 flower pots have been placed at a distance of 1/2 m from each other along OD. Yamini runs 1/4th of the distance OD on the 3rd line and makes a red flower. Kamla runs 1/5th of the distance OD on the 7th line and makes a yellow flower.


Answered by nikitasingh79
QUESTION: In sports day activities of Meerut Public School, the lines were drawn with chalk powder in rectangular shape OBCD. Each line is at 1/2 m distance from each other. 60 flower pots have been placed at a distance of 1/2 m from each other along OD. Yamini runs 1/4th of the distance OD on the 3rd line and makes a red flower. Kamla runs 1/5th of the distance OD on the 7th line and makes a yellow flower. (i) Find the position of red and yellow flowers. (ii) Find the distance between these flowers. (iii) Who makes the flower closer to the origin? (iv) Write the values associated with sports activities in day-to-day life. SOLUTION: [FIGURE OF THIS QUESTION IS IN SECOND ATTACHMENT]
Given distance between two flower pots is ½ m and there are 60 flower pots along OD. Also Distance between these two lines is ½ m.
Let us consider x axis along OB and y axis along OD.
Then the X coordinate of position of any student in the field will be obtained by multiplying the distance between two lines by number of line and Y coordinates will obtained by multiplying the given fraction with the Distance OD= 30 cm.
iv) The values associated with the sport activities in day to day life are, they
1. increase physical strength of individual
2. Relax mind and body
3. Help in increasing the concentration in other works.

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