English, asked by bongcayaoj68, 5 months ago

In terms of ethics, what makes a certain religion other than yours unique?​


Answered by ankith03


Ethics are based on logic and reason rather than tradition or injection.They are typically referring to decisions about right and wrong. While religion makes claims about cosmology, social behaviour and the "proper" treatment of others etc


Religious ethics concern teachings and practices of what is right and wrong, good or bad, virtuous or vicious from religious point of a view.

Answered by divyanjali714


The relationship between faith and ethics is regarding the link between revelation and reason. Faith is predicated in some live on the thought that God reveals insights regarding life and its true which means. These insights as collected in texts and given as “revelation.” Ethics, from a strictly humanistic perspective, is predicated on the tenets of reason: something that's not rationally verifiable can not be thought of excusable. From this angle, moral principles needn't derive their authority from non-secular ism. Instead, these principles as upheld for his or her worth in promoting freelance and accountable individuals—people UN agency as capable of creating choices that maximize their own well-being whereas respecting the well-being of others.


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