In the above diagram, three LANs are connected using 4 routers. In LAN 1, PC 1 has logical address ‘X’ and physical address ‘15’. Likewise, PC 6 and PC 9 has logical address of ‘P’ & ‘T’ and physical address of ‘70’ & ‘10’ respectively. Now students have to send their own phone number from one PC to another in a single data packet. Students having EVEN student ID will send data from PC 1 to PC 6 and students having ODD student ID will send data from PC 9 to PC 1. You’ll have to show the data packet of network and datalink layer in each and every hop with appropriate addresses and with proper explanation. To do this you may have to give appropriate addresses for the intermediate routers.
The AND function will take two inputs, and if they are both ‘1’, it will output a ‘1’. Any other combination of inputs will result in a ‘0’ output.
In LAN 1, PC 1 has logical address ‘X’ and physical address ‘15’. Likewise, PC 6 and PC 9 has logical address of ‘P’ & ‘T’ and physical address of ‘70’ & ‘10’
Router1 PC1 Interface logical address is ‘Y’ and physical address ‘16’
Router4 PC6 Interface logical address is ‘Q’ and physical address ‘71’
Router3 PC9 Interface logical address is ‘S’ and physical address ‘11’
R1 to R2
R1 end logical address is ‘A’ and physical address ‘50’
R2 end logical address is ‘B’ and physical address ‘51’
R2 to R4
R2 end logical address is ‘C’ and physical address ‘40’
R4 end logical address is ‘D’ and physical address ‘41’
R2 to R3
R2 end logical address is ‘E’ and physical address ‘60’
R3 end logical address is ‘F’ and physical address ‘61’
Students having EVEN student ID will send data from PC 1 to PC 6:
Assume that ARP process done.
PC1 to R1
L3: Source logical address ‘X’ and Destination logical address ‘P’
L2: Source Physical address ‘15’ and Destination Physical address ‘16’
R1 to R2
L3: Source logical address ‘X’ and Destination logical address ‘P’
L2: Source Physical address ‘50’ and Destination Physical address ‘51’
R2 to R4
L3: Source logical address ‘X’ and Destination logical address ‘P’
L2: Source Physical address ‘40’ and Destination Physical address ‘41’
R4 to PC6
L3: Source logical address ‘X’ and Destination logical address ‘P’
L2: Source Physical address ‘71’ and Destination Physical address ‘70’
Students having ODD student ID will send data from PC 9 to PC 1.
Assume that ARP process done.
PC9 to R3
L3: Source logical address ‘T’ and Destination logical address ‘X’
L2: Source Physical address ‘10’ and Destination Physical address ‘11’
R3 to R2
L3: Source logical address ‘T’ and Destination logical address ‘X’
L2: Source Physical address ‘61’ and Destination Physical address ‘60’
R2 to R1
L3: Source logical address ‘T’ and Destination logical address ‘X’
L2: Source Physical address ‘51’ and Destination Physical address ‘50’
R1 to PC1
L3: Source logical address ‘T’ and Destination logical address ‘X’
L2: Source Physical address ‘16’ and Destination Physical address ‘15’