Math, asked by dayaladitya1271, 1 year ago

In the below puzzle, a proverb is written with exactly one letter of each word replaced with another. Can you figure out what the original proverb is? So nets if goof mews.


Answered by rathoreshashi427


what is writing there I cannot understands

Answered by sourasghotekar123


No news is good news.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • Proverb is a general statement or sentence which is meaningful and gives general advice or shares common experiences.
  • In this puzzle, a proverb is written with exactly one letter of each word replaced with another.
  • Means one letter of each word is wrong.
  • For the first word, it will be no instead of so.
  • For the second word, it will be news instead of nets.
  • For the third word, it will be is instead of if.
  • For the fourth word, it will be good instead of goof.
  • For the fifth word, it will be news instead of mews.

So, the proverb is:

No news is good news.


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