Physics, asked by rohitgujjar104, 9 months ago

In the circuit all resistor are of R ohm our each. if the wire is connected between C and B then the ratio of equivalent resistance between AB of original circuit formed is​


Answered by Anonymous


x=0</p><p>from random import randint</p><p>a=randint(1,100)</p><p>print("YOU HAVE ONLY 5 TRIES")</p><p>print("GUESS BETWEEN 1-100")</p><p>while x!=5:</p><p>  print()</p><p>  n=int(input("GUESS"))</p><p>  x+=1</p><p>  if n==a:</p><p>    print("You won....")</p><p>    break</p><p>  elif n&lt;1 or n&gt;100:</p><p>    print("""PLEASE ENTER A NUMBER </p><p>      WITHIN RANGE""")</p><p>  elif n&gt;a:</p><p>    print("GUESS LOWER")</p><p>  elif n&lt;a:</p><p>    print("GUESS HIGHER")</p><p>print("YOUR TRIES ARE OVER")</p><p>print()</p><p>print()</p><p>print()</p><p>print(".......GAME OVER.....")</p><p>  </p><p>  </p><p>user=None</p><p>while user !="N":</p><p>  print("DO YOU WANT TO PLAY AGAIN(Y/N)")</p><p>  user=str(input("Enter Y OR N"))</p><p>  x=0</p><p>  a=randint(1,100)</p><p>  while x!=5:</p><p>    print()</p><p>    n=int(input("GUESS"))</p><p>    x+=1</p><p>    if n==a:</p><p>      print("You won....")</p><p>      break</p><p>    elif n&lt;1 or n&gt;100:</p><p>      print("""PLEASE ENTER A NUMBER </p><p>              WITHIN RANGE""")</p><p>    elif n&gt;a:</p><p>      print("GUESS LOWER")</p><p>    elif n&lt;a:</p><p>      print("GUESS HIGHER")</p><p>  print("YOUR TRIES ARE OVER")</p><p>  print()  </p><p>  print()</p><p>  print()</p><p>  print(".......GAME OVER.....")</p><p></p><p>  </p><p>  </p><p>

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