In the experiments conducted to test activity of iron pyrite for seed treatment, how could they prove that it was effect of iron pyrite and not something else
a) By treating seeds with Fe and check if similar results were observed
b) By treating seeds with S and check if similar results were observed
c) By treating seeds with some other compound containing Fe and check if similar results were observed
d) All of the above
Option D
There are two main methods of proving a statement. Either derive a result directly based on the correct idea or cancel out all the other possibilities that can lead to similar results.
So one way would be to perfom an experiment and see the effects of Iron pyrite on seeds. In one such experiment, the plants developed from iron pyrite nanoparticle treated seeds exhibited significantly broader leaf morphology, larger leaf numbers, increased biomass; along with higher concentration of calcium, manganese and zinc in the leaves when compared to the plants developed from control seeds.
And the other way would be to treat seeds with FE, S and some other chemicals and see if this lead to similar results or not.
Hence option D is correct